Saturday, August 1, 2009


This is sort of a pet peeve of mine.

For the past year or so, I have really tried to look at all situations from every angle, even when I Don't want to.. and try to be the bigger person.

If something wasnt working out for me, instead of being mad at or blaming other people, I ask myself, "What Can I Do Different, or Work On or Do Better? How Am I Being Perceived in This Situation?"

( a very wise woman once told me "perception is reality")

So today's daily om lesson sort of hits the spot with me on a few different levels ..

I've also become a firm believer in owning up to my actions and voice.

If you say or do something you shouldn't have, and even did it unintentionally... just own up to it.

The chances are the other people involved know you did it or said it..and denying it makes you look weak and you lose credibility.. . This can be difficult. It has happened to me on several occasions.

I once told a friend. " if you dont want anyone to know something... then don't tell it to 'her' , she will tell everyone"

And what did he do? He told her I said it. Then she came up to me and asked me if I said it .

And I said "Yes I Did." and of course she said why would i say that about her I don't know here, blah blah blah. I said " Based on a certain situations i had witnessed or heard about- that was the impression I got."

Then she went on to tell me I was wrong etc, so I said, "Ok I'm Sorry, I didnt have all the facts. Sorry. " Which I wasn't really sorry but of course I am not about to pick a fight with a 20 year old at work.

She never talked to me ever again after that. ( which I didn't mind at all - because I couldnt stand her anyway) but I actually felt better about myself just being honest and saying Yes I Said That.. and I k now it threw her off... I felt a like admitting up to it made me appear braver... or something like that.

Anyway we know the old saying "your words become your actions, your actions determine your integrity etc." .. so after that and a few other hard embarrassing lessons, I learned to just keep my mouth shut all together, and I learned no one REALLY wants your opinion, even if they ask, they usually just want validation or justification of what they are going thru or doing.

If you want to be a better person, and have people perceive you that way, then visualize yourself as the person you want to be.

Start beign that person. Tell Yourself "I AM A GOOD PERSON" vs " i want to be a good person"

Visualize the things you will do to start being a beter person and doing things that you find respectful.

Walk your wak and talk your talk.

Part of the secrete to this is visualizing it, and seeing it happen, and beliving it will happen. ... not " I want it to happen" but " it is happening" . Put it on your vision board.

This can only bring you good karma

that's my rant for the day.