Sunday, July 19, 2009

HOROSCOPES SUNDAY 7.19.09. It's Going To Be A Good Day

Aquarius Daily Horoscope
A laidback mood can be a sign of exhaustion today. If you find yourself unable to concentrate on the tasks you have laid out for yourself, you may be tempted to put everything aside so that you can spend some time indulging in recreational pursuits. However, if your schedule is full and you feel an obligation to address your obligations, procrastination can make you feel even worse about the manner in which you are using your time today. You may be able to relax while still working through your agenda by prioritizing your roster of duties and focusing only on those tasks that are vital to your wellbeing. Periods of procrastination are often indicative of an unfulfilled need to rest and relax in between duties. We tend to move from obligation to obligation without stopping to breathe because we have so much we have to do and a limited amount of time at our disposal. When we become overwhelmed by our overfull schedules, we tend to feel tired and unfocused, and the resultant inability to concentrate appears to be nothing more than irresponsibility. However, it is when we are most prone to laziness that we should examine our agendas because we may discover that we have undertaken far more than any one person should take on in a day. As we put realistic limitations on our schedules, we become better able to focus on whatever needs doing. You will be less likely to procrastinate today when the tasks you have assigned yourself are manageable.

Libra Daily Horoscope
You may feel generous of heart and eager to share your time and other talents with others today. A feeling of confidence and security could cause you to realize how abundant your life is and how much you have to offer. Now is a wonderful time to donate your time or skills to an organization that could benefit from them. You also may find yourself wanting to share more of what you have with friends and family. You could make the most of your feelings today by being generous with yourself. Ask yourself what it is that you need and give it to yourself. You may want wear your heart on your sleeve and spread your good feelings with others. Our generosity can brighten someone’s day or change the world. Offering someone a smile can lift someone’s spirit or light up a room. Our generous gestures can touch someone’s heart or inspire others to also be generous. Each of us has so much to offer the planet. Our generosity allows us to share our gifts and talents and resources with others. It is our generosity that makes it easy for us to forgive another when our feelings have been hurt or someone has made a mistake. Generosity spreads love and abundance. Be generous today, and you will make the world a better place.

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You may feel protective of your resources be they physical, emotional, or material, which may mean that you will go about things prudently today. While it is important to be aware of your limits, perhaps reframing the way you view what you have at your disposal could help you recognize that you are only constrained by your thoughts. Just being able to see that it is often your perception of your energetic resources and that reality might be quite different can make it easier to accept that there is much that is abundant about your life. Perhaps if you can take a few minutes to look around you today and make a mental note of everything you possess both internally and externally, you might transform your fear of not having enough into a feeling of gratitude about how much you truly have. Once we recognize the plethora that exists in our lives we will see that there is nothing that we lack. It is in our nature to always strive for more—more material things, greater understanding, or enlightenment. When we spend our lives focused on this striving, our tendency is to hoard our resources and view our lives in terms of what we don’t have. Focusing on the negative, however, bogs us down into a never-ending spiral of fear and caution. By turning your thoughts toward everything you have been blessed with today, you will realize how rich you are.

Aries Daily Horoscope
You might be listening in carefully to conversations today which could mean that you are giving your full attention to what you hear. Approaching your interactions thoughtfully may be a wonderful way for you to truly tune into what people are saying – not just to what is happening on the surface of the conversation, but also to the deeper emotional gist of the words you hear. Listening with your heart by imagining that is not your ears, but your heart center that is receiving the sound vibrations of the words could help you to access this more profound level of conversation. Doing so may bring greater meaning to your interactions today as well as make it easier for you to respond in a genuine and heartfelt way to the emotional content of what is being said. Our hearts are power tools for listening to others. So often in conversations we might be preoccupied by what we wish to say or by projecting our own hopes or fears onto another person’s words. Consciously using our hearts, however, allows us to access a much more real part of ourselves – a part that is both receptive and willing to listen to the deeper message that is being said. In essence, our hearts let us connect to others on a soul level, taking us beyond mere words into the realm of truer and more honest communication. Using your heart center to listen will bring a more meaningful dimension to your interactions today.

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Introversion can become the defining trait of your personality today, making you feel slightly discomfited when in the presence of individuals whose company you usually enjoy. You should endeavor to draw back from the society of your peers without feeling guilty, however, as willing isolation can be a wonderful tonic for a heart and mind subject to regular stressors. Once alone, try to focus on pursuits that allow you to learn more about yourself or those that help you relax. The more you enjoy the time you spend in solitude today, the more potent and lasting the effects of your time in seclusion will no doubt be. Solitude is seldom a lonely state when we recognize that it is a temporary condition that affords us the peace and freedom we need to reconnect with the individuals we are within. Many people fear the quietude of isolation because it feeds their unconscious fears of alienation and segregation. Yet it is only when we retreat into the welcoming embrace of willing seclusion that we are afforded the conditions necessary for successful self reflection. Away from the numerous distractions heaped upon us by the rigors of modern existence, we can delve deeply into our souls to rediscover all those values and ideals we left by the wayside as we concentrated on our worldly affairs and ambitions. When you indulge your introverted yearning for solitude today, you will find you can once again attuned yourself to aspects of your individuality wholly overshadowed by your day-to-day concerns

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Feelings of loneliness can hound you today, and these can convince you that you are alone in the world if you are not careful to dispel them. Should you feel isolated or disconnected from your network of support, consider why you no longer feel the weight of their continuing presence in your life. It is likely that the people who cared for you yesterday still care for you today, which means that you should assume they have not deserted you. Reaching out to your loved ones can help you bridge the gap that exists between you, even if the only contact you have is a short conversation that re-establishes your connection. As we move from one phase of life into the next, we should endeavor to remember that being alone does not necessarily mean that we have been abandoned by our loved ones. People can care deeply for each other though they are divided from one another by time and space. If we allow ourselves to question the strength of the affection others feel for us simply because we have not seen or heard from them for some time, we will never be able to trust that our friends and family still love us. When we feel disconnected, we should do all we can to reach out to the important people in our lives, yet we should also believe in their continuing devotion even when we are unable to make satisfactory contact. Your loneliness will vanish today when you remind yourself that you still reside in the hearts of all those who care for you

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You may feel strongly driven to help others meet their personal and professional goals today, and to accomplish this, you will likely be on the lookout for opportunities to lend people your assistance. Those on the receiving end of your kindnesses may be impressed by your unselfish and generous attitude. However, before you bask in the praise you subsequently receive, consider the motivation you are following today. You will likely discover that being helpful is its own reward and that you would prefer not to receive any special thanks for your efforts. Explaining this may be challenging, so try to move on quickly after you have accomplished specific tasks. Everyone in the world finds themselves in need of assistance occasionally, and there will be times during which we are equipped to give others the help they require. When we do what we can unselfishly, without thinking about our contribution in terms of how we might be rewarded, we serve as an inspiration to those who are unsure as to whether they, too, have anything to offer. The people who bear witness to our generosity will have concrete proof that the limitations that might otherwise impact our capabilities have no effect on our capacity to help others. We do what needs doing even when we doubt ourselves because we have chosen to make helping those in need a priority in our lives. As you lend others your assistance today, you will show people as of yet unsure of themselves that every contribution is valuable.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You might feel like making plans that take every possibility into consideration today. This feeling of restraint could be the result of your desire to guard yourself against the unpredictable and anticipate every scenario that might arise. Allowing yourself to expect the unexpected may help you find the balance between having control over a situation and being spontaneous. Perhaps when making plans today you might picture your plans going awry. As you imagine this, you can ask yourself if you would still enjoy the company you are with and your activities even though things may not go your way. Thinking about your plans in this way could be a way for you to realize that even if things are not perfect, there can be wonderful and exciting surprises in unexpected events, particularly if you are with people you care about. Being flexible lets us experience new and remarkable ways of living. Sometimes we want to play it safe and safeguard everything we do, which can leave us feeling limited and restricted. If we let ourselves become open to change, however, we are more likely to uncover things that we might not have imagined could happen. Instead of feeling constrained we begin to realize the limitless possibilities that are always waiting for us each day of our lives. Striking a balance between what you want to happen and what really does happen today will make your life richer and full of amazing chance encounters that you will value forever.

Gemini Daily Horoscope
You may be quite wary of the suggestions others offer you today as their motives for doing so will likely elude you. If you feel impressionable, you may worry that your tendency to respond favorably to counsel will leave you vulnerable. However, consider that most of the individuals in the various spheres of your existence likely have no intention of steering you wrong. Trust in people's good intentions today and you may be surprised to discover that they are simply showing you a kindness by sharing their opinions with you. Whether you choose to follow their advice will likely be immaterial to them on an emotional level. We are not vulnerable because we, as human beings, are somewhat susceptible to the suggestions of others. When we surround ourselves with positive people whose intentions are pure, the advice they offer will nearly always be given in the spirit of generosity. If we feel strongly driven to take certain counsel to heart, we should not worry that we are being unduly influenced by the individuals with whom we share our environments. Rather, we should thank them for being so kind as to provide us with an alternate viewpoint so that we can draw from a larger base of experience. It is only when we feel pressured to follow a certain path that we should question others' motives, as those who wish us well will want us to proceed in the manner right for us. You will receive a wealth of good advice today when you learn to accept counsel without misgivings.

Taurus Daily Horoscope
Your perception of the world around you will likely be quite logical today, and you may find that you cannot help but view your own circumstances in a rational light. This mind-set can serve you well as the more emotionally charged aspects of your survival, such as finances and family, will likely have little power to influence your choices. Your response to discord or confusion will likely be down to earth, providing you with the peace of mind you need to think carefully about the many avenues open to you. If you stay sensible even during those times when your emotions threaten to overwhelm your calm today, you may find that you can see the most practical course of action quite clearly. Adopting a rational outlook where our circumstances are concerned ensures that our ability to judge our position is never clouded by the intensity of emotion we experience when coping with the challenges before us. While we may feel strongly about the manner in which specific situations are unfolding, our response to these feelings will more than likely be centered on facts. Consequently, our ability to recognize the best way to proceed will be heightened because we can view the events happening around us with a logical eye. As we begin to understand how our circumstances in the present will affect us in the future, we can formulate practical solutions that allow us to address individual elements of our circumstances. Today your choice to maintain a rational attitude during periods of upheaval will help you think practically about what to do next.

Leo Daily Horoscope
You could feel like being a part of group activities, and this may make you feel more supportive and accommodating toward others today. It might seem that by being cooperative you may be more able to get more things accomplished than by working alone. Making a point to include other people in your decisions and on projects could pave the way for greater creativity in both your work and social activities. Becoming attuned to your ability to understand and sense the needs of those around you may make everything you do with others more effective, friendly, and interesting. Listening closely to others’ opinions as well as giving praise could enhance your ability to communicate and lend to the success of everything that you collaborate on. Learning to work with and encourage others leads to greater achievements. Using the talents of those around us lets us draw from a multitude of sources of creative energy. Having such a group together means that we channel not only our own gifts from the universe but those of everyone involved, which makes our talents all the more beneficial for everyone. Furthermore, if we make the effort to be more effective in our group communications though greater attentiveness, openness, and understanding, we contribute to a positive group dynamic, which makes the group much more successful as a whole. By supporting and cooperating with others today, your communication will be filled with respect and mutual encouragement, allowing you to achieve more than you would have ever imagined

Virgo Daily Horoscope
The motivation you feel as you mull over your ambitions will likely be incredibly strong today. Your need to attain what attracts you can overshadow the dismay you feel when circumstances do not unfold as you expected. You can use this heightened drive to your advantage by channeling it into your efforts at home and at work as it will likely feed your stamina and strength as you struggle to make headway. If you choose to initiate a new project today, your commitment to the task at hand and your enterprising attitude toward hard work can give you the advantage you need to accomplish almost anything. There is little we cannot do when we are motivated to succeed because we are willing to take whatever actions are necessary to bring about the results we so ardently wish to achieve. It is this motivation born of inspiration and self-trust that carries us forward, even when our life paths seem too challenging to bear. We are never without some course of action open to us because we recognize that we always have a choice, even if the only choice we can make is to bide our time patiently until opportunity once again appears before us. Novelty cannot faze us, and we feel comfortable initiating new projects because we understand that there is merit in failure just as there is satisfaction in success. Your enterprising spirit will guide you forward today, helping you overcome the obstacles that block your path without ever losing your optimism