Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today's Horoscopes 7.21.09

Aquarius Daily Horoscope
A desire to support others as they pursue the goals important to them can help you connect with the people you care about in an entirely new way. While you may have many pressing concerns vying for your attention, it is likely that you will focus wholeheartedly on the affairs of individuals close to you. This level of dedication can touch their souls and help them to understand that you aim to be more than a fair weather companion. As your loved ones learn to what degree they can rely on you today, any doubt they might have had regarding your feelings will likely vanish, and the satisfaction you feel as a result can bolster your spirits for quite some time. We guarantee the strength of our personal relationships when we make it a point to be there for the people who need us even when we would rather be doing something else. There will inevitably be times in our lives during which we do not feel particularly eager to put aside our own concerns to focus on the affairs of our friends and family. But the sacrifices we make do not go unnoticed by the people we care about. They see that we have given them the gift of our attention, and are moved by the gratitude they feel to do the same for us. However unpalatable the duty before us, we can be sure that our conscientiousness will have a positive impact on our relationships. As you help the important people in your life find fulfillment today, your disquiet will fade gracefully into the background

Libra Daily Horoscope
An assertive mood will likely serve you well today as you compose your day's agenda and endeavor to address your many responsibilities. You may begin your journey with an attitude of confidence, but the challenges you meet as the day wears on can have a abating influence on your positive outlook. Holding on to as much of your confidence and optimism as you can may help you stay focused so that you can move from task to task without losing your enthusiasm. Consider ways in which you might challenge yourself today, as the excitement you feel when you realize that your potential has expanded will likely quell any misgivings you may have. We are capable of accomplishing so much more than we ever dreamed possible, but this truth hinges on our willingness to challenge ourselves by exploring the outer limits of our skills and talents. While we may feel safer utilizing those aptitudes that have already proven themselves useful in our inner and outer world endeavors, our achievements do not then help us to grow beyond that which we already are. To evolve, we must push ourselves past the limitations we have previously held ourselves to so that we better understand our larger purpose. Our forays into the unknown will not always be successful, but the knowledge we gain through our efforts will be a part of our lives forevermore. Your self-assurance will flourish today as you come to realize that your innate potential is greater than you ever imagined

Aries Daily Horoscope
Intensity may define your world today, and you may be unsure as to whether it is coming from inside of you or originating in some outside source. Personal and outer-world issues can leave you feeling wound up and discontented because you likely cannot accept that your life is changing at a rapid pace. You may need, more than anything else, the comfort of isolation. Even if your seclusion only lasts a short time, you can capitalize on the peace and quiet it offers by reaching deeply into your soul to discover why your emotions are in an uproar. You may find today that time apart was precisely the remedy you needed to release your anxiety. It is easier to calm down and re-ground after enduring a stressful event when we can remove ourselves from other potential stressors by retreating into the comforting embrace of solitude. Alone, we can attune ourselves to the peace within so that the chaos without is pushed from our thoughts. Nothing interrupts us in our brief and willing isolation, ensuring that we have plenty of opportunities to work through any feelings of distress or confusion still plaguing us. However emotionally wound up we are when we first retreat from the world, the tranquility around us tends to inspire good feelings. If we are fortunate enough to have a personal altar or some other form of mini sanctuary, the transition between agitation and serenity takes place more quickly. The intensity of your feelings will be diminished today when you remove yourself from that which is causing your agitation.

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You might strongly express your beliefs today, which could be because you have set opinions on how life should be. Even though it is important to be resolute about your convictions, you might wish to reconsider how your ideas come across to others. If you assert yourself too strongly, for example, you may find that other people are less willing to listen to your thoughts today. This might be a good time to examine the reasons why you are holding onto your ideas so strongly; perhaps it is your fear of opening up to new ideas or your unwillingness to listen to what others have to say. Uncovering the reasons why your opinions bind you could make you more understanding of a multitude of new ideas. Becoming aware of the ways our ideas limit us opens us up to a greater grasp of the world around us. Particularly when we feel righteous, it is easy for us to hold on so tightly to what we feel is right. The more we hold onto such thoughts, the more restrictive our lives will become for it is only by being open and sensitive that we will gain deeper insight into ourselves, others, and life in general. Recognizing that your preconceptions are what hold you back today doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to let go of all you hold dear—it simply means that you are more responsive to things that can help you develop further.

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Today you may feel impatient about the way things are going in your life. It could seem like your work obligations are hindering your freedom, and you may feel like breaking free from your responsibilities. This edginess might be the result of your dissatisfaction with your work life. Perhaps today you can reflect on what you find frustrating in your current situation. You may want to think of your job and write down the first few words that immediately come to mind. If your associations are negative, you might then think of ways to positively change some aspect of your work environment, for example your thoughts about your duties. You could find that your impatience has more to do with the manner in which you approach your work rather than the work itself. Restlessness with our work environment often points to an underlying dissatisfaction created by our thoughts. Since we spend so much time in the workplace, we may think that our problems in life arise solely from our work obligations. In fact our frustration is usually due to our beliefs about what we are doing. If, for example, we are not engaging in work that feeds our authentic self, we will always feel impatient with our jobs. It is important for us to realize that we have the power to create a satisfying situation through our own thoughts. By understanding that your thoughts create your environment, you will have the means to find what you truly value in your work today.

Your immediate feelings of security with your current life situation today could make you feel fortunate, which may be because you have placed your trust in the universe and feel confident that you will be taken care of. Perhaps this would be a good time to express your gratitude to the universe for everything that you have in this life by setting the intention to extend your good fortune to others whom you know are in need. You might consider volunteering at a local organization or donating some of your time or resources to those who have less than you. Sharing what you have been given can be a wonderful way to demonstrate the depth of your appreciation and also could make the lives of those around you more comfortable. Giving to others allows us to show our gratitude to the universe. When we have been blessed with more than we need, we might sometimes feel that by saving what we have, we will be more secure. True certainty, however, comes from using our resources to help create a world in which everyone has what they need to live—a place where there is no fear caused by a lack of food, shelter, and love. We will find that the more we give to others, the more we will receive because we are working toward ensuring not only our own security but creating a thriving community for everyone. By sharing with others today, your actions will reflect and honor the abundance the universe has given you.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You could be more assertive than usual today, which might be because you feel the need to defend the rights of others. Wanting to protect other people may be due to your desire to take care of everyone around you. While this can be healthy, perhaps today you might want to reflect upon your reasons for defending others when they are capable of taking care of themselves. Should you have a need to protect someone else, you may want to think about what it is you have to gain. If you know that you will receive praise, for example, you can ask yourself why that is so important to you and maybe even think about ways in which you can give that to yourself. Understanding your motives for helping others could allow you to give them what they truly need rather than fulfilling your own desires. Having the right motives for taking care of and protecting others means that when we do help, we are doing so out of a sincere desire to foster their best interests. There are probably many times when we feel that defending people will bring us something positive, such as praise or loyalty, when in fact these things never manifest themselves in the ways we desire. Truly supporting someone means that we do so from a place of pure intent and hope for nothing in return. By thinking about your intentions today, your protection of others will come from your true heart-centered desire to help.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You could find it easier to accept others’ viewpoints today, which may make you more tolerant of opinions and beliefs that differ from yours. Embracing differences could be a way for you to gain a deeper sense of connection with others, which then may help you to transform your own view of the world. Perhaps today you could see a foreign film or delve into the literature of another culture in order to see your life through a different lens. You may realize that coming into contact with other ways of thinking through cross-cultural experiences can expose you to new ideas and give you enough perspective to appreciate what you most value about your own points of view and experiences. Going beyond our own cultural experiences opens our world and expands the boundaries of our belief systems. By coming into contact with ways of thinking that are different from our own, we begin to see that often we limit ourselves, for our thoughts about the world are often derived by remaining within the confines of our cultural norms. Stepping outside our culture, however, lets us see that there is so much more to the world than what we previously had realized; the beauty of our world comes from the diversity that is contained within it, which in turn gives us a greater sense of empathy and understanding of others’ differences. Opening yourself to the variety that exists in this world will bring you to a deeper acceptance of other ways of being today.

Gemini Daily Horoscope
You will likely feel wonderfully bold and confident today, and this mood can empower you to take your destiny into your own hands once and for all. Your self-assurance can serve as a constant reminder that you are a capable and talented individual who has overcome many challenges. If you have any goals that are unfulfilled because you feared failure, this can be a good time to revisit them. You will likely find that you feel more comfortable making decisions that will affect your future in a profound fashion. Should your plans go awry today, you may find it easier than usual to interpret mishaps as a sign that you need to change your tactics in some way. When we approach life with a confident and upbeat attitude, we encounter little that can rob us of our boundless enthusiasm for our goals and desires. Even when the circumstances we face are not going our way, we feel comfortable continuing to pursue our purpose with an unflappable determination that carries us forward through both delays and disillusionment. Since we believe that success is an inevitable part of our future and that we are capable of handling any obstacle the universe chooses to put in our path, we are more apt to push ourselves beyond the limitations set by our previously accomplishments. Even when we must cope with the heavy hand of failure, our self-assurance remains intact as it comes from within. The bold decisions you make today will further serve to bolster your confidence, whether their outcome proves rewarding or educational

Taurus Daily Horoscope
You may feel highly receptive to creative ideas about work, play, and life today. Since you are no doubt in a dynamic mood, your outlook on the nature of being will likely be quite fluid. If you are called upon to accept a position of leadership, you can ensure the success of the project at hand by taking your adaptable attitude with you into your authoritative assignment. Those in support positions will likely find that they can relate to you much more easily today because your command style is open-minded and tolerant where change is concerned. Remember, you can still be an effective leader while embracing many diverse ways of handling a single challenge. When we are capable of changing with the times and adapting to our circumstances as they exist in the present, we are better qualified to lead those who are still learning. People just coming into their own personally or professionally go through many changes as they pursue their purposes. We can offer the guidance and support they need when we ourselves are changeable because we can understand the transformations they must cope with as they struggle to find themselves. As we are not locked into one methodology or strategy, we are capable of walking alongside those in our charge as they explore the various ways of approaching the challenges before them so we can guide their progress. Your capacity for command will increase exponentially today as you familiarize yourself with the benefits of adaptive leadership and integrate it into your individual ideology.

Leo Daily Horoscope
Your inner- and outer-world obligations can seem like too much to bear today, even if you are responsible for no more than usual. A private and retiring mood may even compel you to seek out opportunities to engage in those activities that will allow you to be alone. Yet your desire to recharge your spirit can conflict with a busy schedule or responsibilities that simply must be fulfilled as quickly as possible. Finding the time to enjoy the pleasures of solitude today may require that you think up creative ways of fitting personal time into your schedule. Similarly, your ability to feed your soul will likely be dependent on your willingness to unite disparate aspects of your existence. We can nurture the spirit even when our personal and professional schedules are full by finding ways to integrate the practice of spirituality into our daily lives. This may seem all but impossible to do at first, especially when we feel that we do not have a single extra second at our disposal. But many elements of existence that cannot be overlooked can be incorporated into activities that promote the well-being of the soul. A life led consciously can be a form of intense devotion even though that life is full to the brim with obligations because each pursuit we undertake provides us with yet another opportunity to express ourselves as individuals and to live in accordance with our deeper values. You can recharge your spirit amidst ongoing activity today when you make an effort to address your day's duties in a soulful fashion

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You could notice that you are more irritable in your personal relationships today, which could be triggered by former emotional patterns. This might leave you feeling more argumentative. Perhaps today you may want to work on recognizing your emotions as they arise and understanding where they come from. Should you find yourself becoming frustrated with someone close to you, you can take a breath and ask yourself when you felt the same way in the past. You might come up with a situation or visual image of something that has left its mark on you. If this happens, you can gently remind yourself that those feelings were in the past, and while you may feel the same way now, you have a greater amount of wisdom and experience to release your aggravation. Understanding where our emotional triggers come from allows us to learn new ways of dealing with our feelings. It is easy to react using our old coping mechanisms. We revert back to acting to emotional stimuli in the same manner we did when we were younger. Once we begin to realize the patterns as they emerge and what sets them off, we then take a great step toward getting rid of our old dysfunctional ways. We can use our insight and the knowledge we have from our more recent experiences to rise above our feelings of irritation and establish newer and healthier patterns. By stopping yourself from reacting in your habitual ways to frustration, you will create more beneficial ways to respond to others today.

If you want a more detailed Horoscope, or information based on the exact day of your birth, let me know and I will post it for you ... hope you are having a lovely day...